
Koi Nobori (Japanese鲤 帜, German carp banner or carp kites ) or Satsuki - Nobori (皋 帜, dt Maifahne ) are small windsocks that the Japanese boy's festival (May 5) will be hoisted in front of the houses. They are like a windsock designed and appear beside parents carp by smaller carp flags, how many boys has a family.

Traditionally associated in Japan with the great power floating against the current carp with boys. These flags are painted or printed on paper, cloth or other textiles.

The colors of the dragon carp while having a symbolic meaning. The big black carp is the father, the red for the mother and the blue carp for the sons. For girls, no flags were fluttering originally left. However, this has now changed and many families hang colorful carp on for each of their children. The traditional color scheme is to join increasingly common carp in all colors of the rainbow.
