Kolo (dance)

The Kolo ( German: Rad or round ) is a circle dance that is danced mainly in the area of the former Yugoslavia by Croats, Bosnians and Serbs alike.

The Kolo is of at least three persons ( upwards there are no limits ) dancing, the hands, or stick to the hips or shoulders. With some Kolo the feet are moved mainly in other Kolovarianten the hips, the shoulders and the arms move rhythmically. There are many different Koloarten, one can certainly say that each region has its own Kolo.

Kolo is danced in all regions of Croatia, Bosnia - Herzegovina, Serbia, and in all regions, in which Croats, Bosniaks and Serbs.


The music is played with the same name for Kolo usually with an accordion, but also with a Frula ( Traditional version of the recorder), a Tamburica, Šargija or a harmonica.

In some regions, such as the north of the Timok Krajina, part sung to the music.
