
Jägerliest ( Laughing Kookaburra )

The Kookaburra ( Dacelo ), English Kookaburra ( from the Aboriginal language ) are a genus of birds in the family of kingfishers ( alcedinidae ).

To this genus includes four species found in Australia, Tasmania and New Guinea.

The Kookaburra are large, up to 48 cm long, mostly brown - gray and whitish colored birds.

They live in family communities in open woodland, but also come in the parks of the cities. They hunt mice and other small animals, especially reptiles and snakes. The boys help parents raise the next brood. As breeding helpers they learn so that the business of breeding and improve the chances of survival of siblings.

The reputation of the Hunter Liests ( Laughing Kookaburra ), also called " Kookaburra " (English " Laughing Jack" ) called, sounds like loud, hysterical laughter? / I Due to its size, it is formally referred to as Dacelo gigas.


  • Jägerliest, Kookaburra (D. Kookaburra )
  • Hood Reads (D. leachii )
  • Aruliest (D. tyro )
  • Rotbauchliest (D. Gaudichaud )