
Korach (Hebrew קרח ) was the leader of a rebellion against Moses during the exodus of the Israelites ( Exodus 4 16).

Korach of the tribe of the Levites arose, according to the biblical narrative, together with Dathan, Abiram, and 250 other prominent Israelites against Moses and his brother Aaron, because they were unhappy with the religious primacy of these two leaders. The rebels called for equality of all before God and the Israelites complained that Moses and Aaron said to put on the rest of the people.

Moses ended the rebellion with divine assistance, by calling for a judgment of God. Both the 250 malcontents and Aaron brought incense represents a crack in the earth opened and swallowed Korah and his clan. Then went out fire from God (YHWH ), and consumed the 250 insurgents.

Korach in Islam

Korach is referred to in the Qur'an as Qarun. Is Qarun in the Qur'an in three places mentioned (eg 28:76 ) and appears there as a member of the people of Moses and the Pharaoh's ministers. Qarun believes his riches could hardly be worn by a bevy of strong men to have received only because of his knowledge. Because of his pride, the Criminal Court comes over him and he sinks along with his dwelling in the earth.
