Korea Bay

Yellow Sea to Korea Bay and the Gulf of Bohai

The Korea Bay, and West Korea Bay (Chinese朝鲜 湾/朝鲜 湾, Pinyin Cháoxiǎn Wān, Korean 서 조선 만 SO- Joson -man), is a northern foothills of the Yellow Sea, between Liaoning Province and the North Korean province P'yŏngan - pukto.

The bay is separated by the belonging to China Liaodong Peninsula from the Gulf of Bohai in the west and is connected to it by the at the narrowest point 102 km wide Bohaistraße. The southernmost point of the peninsula, the city of Dalian, China's northernmost ice-free seaport.

The Yalu River empties into the Bay between Dandong and Sinuiju, the river is also the border between North Korea and the People's Republic of China.

On the opposite side of the Korean peninsula is the Ostkoreabucht.
