
18.11666666666731.55Koordinaten: 18 ° 7 ' N, 31 ° 33 ' E

Kurti ( alternative spelling corticosteroid ) is a city in the state of al- Schamaliyya in Sudan. The city is located on the Nile about 250 km north- west of Khartoum. The main part of the city lies on the southern bank of the Nile.

In Meroitic times, the place appears as Cadetum, Cadata or Coetum in Roman sources.


The place is possibly with KRTN that is mentioned in some inscriptions Napatan identical. Was KRTN before 500 AD, one of the cities that at the beginning of his reign, on his coronation journey, visited the king.

In Sudan, who came in 1821 under the rule of the Ottoman viceroys ( Khedive ) of Egypt, broke out in 1880 from the Mahdi uprising. In August 1884 Great Britain sent an army under Garnet Joseph Wolseley, the Gordon Relief to relieve so-called expedition to the besieged in Khartoum Governor Gordon. Kurti became a rallying point for the British troops. In January 1885, Fort was built by British troops on the north side of the Nile, opposite of Kurti. From here, the advance should be on the Nile ( River Column) and simultaneously by the Desert ( Camel Corps ). In the fighting in the desert between Bayuda - Kurti and Metemmeh ( on the Nile opposite Shendi ) the Madhisten suffered a defeat. The Mahdi ( " the guided of God " ), Muhammad Ahmad, who is now himself led the siege of Khartoum, then decided to cancel this - but was swayed by his generals.


  • Location in Sudan
  • Place in Africa
  • Ash- Schamaliyya