Kosterhavet National Park

The Kosterhavet National Park is situated on the Swedish west coast and Sweden's first marine national park. It was inaugurated on September 9, 2009.

The National Park covers parts of the sea and the land around the Koster Fjord and the waters south of it. In total, it covers an area of 365 km ², of which 12 square kilometers land area, including parts of the inhabited islands North Koster, Sydkoster and Saltö. The park extends over the communities Strömstad and Tanum. In the north, the Norwegian National Park Ytre Hvaler joins together is an area of ​​719 km ² under protection.

The idea in this field to create a marine national park was created in the late 1980s and the 1990s as both marine biologists and environmental groups recognized the importance of the fjord. The Swedish Society for Nature Conservation Svenska Naturskyddsföreningen operational reconnaissance work with the authorities, brought videos about the importance of the maritime area in circulation and operated a postcard campaign, which was aimed at the authorities and individual key persons.
