
Kottabos (Greek: κότταβος ) is the name of a principal in the 5th and 4th century BC by the Greeks with particular preference at drinking -operated game of skill. The drinking game comes from the Greek colonies in Sicily and came around the 4th century BC out of fashion.


When Kottabos it was a matter of lying on the sofa, a few drops of wine to the highest possible arc after serving as a target basin or a bowl ( Kottabeion ) to hurl so that nothing shed and the target was hit with vernehmlichem clapping. They took to one remaining after drinking in the shell running out, the last sip. Vase paintings show participants in the game several times with two vessels. This indicates that the vessel used for the wine spin was refilled several times in this way. There were many variants, eg with figures that are taken or floating bowls that had to be sunk. Often, a candelabra -like device is shown on top of which rested a metal disc to be taken loosely. With the game a kind of love oracle was, depending on the success connected. Frequently Hetairen involved and install the equipment. Even Cupid himself assuming this role. Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophanes and Antiphanes described the game and enjoyed yourself in it. Also on vases of this period can be seen in the Kottabos men.

Xenophon passed down in the Hellenica, Theramenes did while drinking hemlock cup the last drop like the Kottabos game distributed and dedicated it cynical " the lovely Critias ".
