Kpelle syllabary

The Kpelle script is a syllabary of the Kpelle, the language of the Kpelle - nation in West Africa.

The font was developed in the 1930s by Chief Gbili from Sanoyie in Liberia in order to verschriften the Kpelle language can.

It consists of 88 graphemes and is written from left to right in horizontal rows. Many of the glyphs have more than one form.

In the 1930s and early 1940s, the writing was obtained during Kpelle speakers in Liberia and Guinea, a certain distribution, but they could not because of the poorly -developed education system and lack of political will establish sustainable.

Meanwhile, the Latin alphabet has displaced the Kpelle script, Kpelle is now written with an alphabet based on the Latin. However, Encoding Initiative of the University of California, Berkeley has been proposed as part of the script, shoot what is written in Unicode.
