
12.149966666667 - 68.275563888889Koordinaten: 12 ° 9 ' N, 68 ° 17' W

Kralendijk is the capital of Bonaire, a Dutch island in the Lesser Antilles north of Venezuela. The city, with a total of 12,531 inhabitants (as of April 25, 2007 ) is also the largest on Bonaire. It is divided into five districts:

  • Playa ( center ) with 1,963 inhabitants
  • Tera Kora with 1,610 inhabitants
  • Nikiboko with 2,633 inhabitants
  • Antriol with 3,947 inhabitants
  • Nort Salinja with 2,378 inhabitants

The Protestant church was built in 1647. The 1639 built by the Dutch West India Company Fort Oranje served as protection of the harbor.

To the south is the Flamingo Airport Bonaire airport.
