
Krasnodon (Ukrainian and Russian Краснодон ) is a mining town in the far eastern Ukraine, Luhansk oblast with 44 412 (2013 ) inhabitants.

The place that was founded in 1914 as a workers' settlement was called up to his elevation to the city in 1938 and was then renamed Sorokyne Krasnodon.


Geographical location

Krasnodon lies on the River Welika Kamianka, a tributary of the Seversky Donets. Through the town the highway that leads to the northwest at about 50 km to the Oblasthauptstadt Luhansk and east, from the Russian border as M21, in the in about 20 km distance, Russian city of Donetsk runs.


The municipality is divided into the two other cities

  • Molodohwardijsk / Молодогвардійськ and
  • Suchodilsk / Суходільськ,

In the 8 settlements of urban type

  • Brains / Гірне
  • Enhelsowe / Енгельсове
  • Iswaryne / Ізварине
  • Krasnodarskyj / Краснодарський
  • Krasnodon / Краснодон
  • Sjewernyj / Сєверний
  • Sjewero - Hundoriwskyj / Сєверо - Гундорівський
  • Uralo - Kavkaz / Урало - Кавказ

As well as the 4 settlements

  • Sachidnyj / Західний
  • Nowosimejkine / Новосімейкіне
  • Switlytschyne / Світличне
  • Schyroke / Широке.


Source: 1923-1970 :; 1979; 1989-2013:


The city is the setting of the novel " The Young Guard" ( Молода гвардія ) of the Soviet writer Alexander Fadeev, describing the factual story of the battle and the fate of a young resistance group against the German occupation (1942 /43) during the Second World War. The cruelly executed adolescents is dedicated to monument and museum in Krasnodon a memorial complex.
