
Kreenholm ( Krähnholm German, Swedish Krenholm, Crow Island) is an Estonian island in the river Narva in the same city.

The island is about 750 m long and 250 m wide and covers an area of ​​13 ha She shares the waterfall of Narva in a western and an eastern arm. Through the eastern arm runs the Estonian-Russian border.

A sawmill was operated on Kreenholm early as the 14th century. 1538 was built by the Livonian Order, a water mill on the left bank at the height of the island. On the right bank of the merchant Paul Momma left in 1823 built a pulp mill. There was also the flat mill Baron Stieglitzs.

From the 17th century the island (Estonian Joala mõis ) belonged to the estate Joala different owners took advantage of the flow of the falls for the operation of sawmills. 1856 bought the Bremen Ludwig Knoop the island and began to build on her a cotton mill, which later became the textile factory Kreenholmi Manufaktuur arose.
