
Krivošije ( Crivosije ) is a high plateau in the eastern part of the mountain Orjen in Montenegro between the Grahovo Polje and the Bay of Risan in Bay of Kotor.


With the uprising of Montenegrin mountain people of 1869 against the Austrian occupation began a lengthy feud. Only in 1880 secured Austria - Hungary under Stephen Jovanović, the mountainous region in the back of the Bay of Kotor and built numerous forts on the plateau to Crkvice that should protect the military port against attacks supported by Russia Serbs who tried to access to the Adriatic he gain.

End of the 19th century discovered evidence glacial moraine that the Orjen mountain was heavily glaciated during the Pleistocene. The deposits of the glacier give the plateau today's geological and geomorphological significance. A road that leads from Risan to Orjen saddle ( 1594 m altitude ), has opened the Orjen for mountain tourism.


The Krivošije is inhabited by Montenegrin - Serbian mountain tribes. The formerly seven settlements with a population of 1953 or 1053 are characterized by a strong depopulation. 2003 lived only 186 inhabitants here. The Krivošije communicates with the tightest of Grahovo Polje, which is the regional center as the most important agriculturally usable area and a significant karst river. Here lived in 1953 in 14 places 3585 inhabitants. By 2003, also here the population dropped to 1321.
