Krudtscheider Bach


The Krudtscheider Bach, also Krutscheider Bach, is a right tributary of the Little Düsseldorf in the west of North Rhine-Westphalian city of Wuppertal and the east of the small town of Haan.

Location and topography

The Krudtscheider creek rises to 230 meters above sea level. NN on the federal highway 46 in the Wuppertal city district Vohwinkel in the residential district west ring and flows first in a northerly direction. After a few hundred meters, it crosses under verdolt a commercial area, the federal highway 228 and the railway line Dusseldorf -Elberfeld equal to the former marshalling yard Vohwinkel.

North of the railroad enters the stream back to the surface and affect the nature reserve Dolinengelände Krutscheid. The creek turns west, the JVA happened Simonshöfchen, crosses the city border to Haaner district Gruiten and ends at 133 meters above sea level. NN in the Little Düsseldorf, a tributary of Düsseldorf.

In addition to the nature reserve is ecologically valuable to the brook, and the just behind the city limits of Haan lying abandoned limestone quarry pit 10.


The nature reserve Dolinengelände Krudtscheid covers an area of ​​18.8 hectares. The protection was

  • For the conservation and development of the existing biotope complex bound as Refugial and regeneration room for at limestone beech, fruit meadows and fens animal and plant species
  • Preservation and development of the structural richness of the forest complex of waste wood stocks with high dead and old wood proportion, rich herb and shrub layer and sparse low forest stands
  • To the development of the formerly existing small climatically favored, sinuous Waldsaumbiotope with dry grass structures on the southwestern edge of the area
  • To preserve the wetlands and wet grasslands with source stream and ponds, wet wasteland and the limiting tail structures, the fresh to dry grassland areas in the transition to the forest areas
  • From geological and geological reasons and because of the specific nature of the culturally and historically significant structures with karst relief ( sinkholes ) in Massenkalk, reshaped by historical kleinabgrabung, stream shrinking, rock outcrops, orchard with standard fruit