
Kruto, son of the otherwise unknown Grin, was in the second half of the 11th century, the Prince of Wagrians, the northwestern part of the tribe of the Abodrites.

Kruto benefited from the revolt of the pagan reaction against the coming of the dynasty of total Nakoniden Christian rulers Gottschalk. As a result of this revolt of 1066 and the murder of Gottschalk Gottschalk's sons and ( Throne ) heirs of Heinrich Liubice and Budivoj from the tribal area were expelled. While Henry, who was the mother of the Danish royal family, escaped to Denmark, Budivoj fled to Saxony and was eventually lured by Kruto on the island Castle Plön into a trap and slain with all companions under breach of promise.

Kruto could take control in the entire tribal group of Abodrites after the elimination of the Gottschalk sons. Under his rule, the North Elbian Saxony came again under strong pressure from the Abodrites. Kruto seem to have kept the Saxony region free hand, especially the Slavic " hook" at based on following similar associations plundering.

Krutos plan to assassinate Henry at a banquet, was Henry of Krutos wife Slawina behind forward. Heinrich Kruto Thereupon at the party slain by one coming from Denmark follower, married the newly widowed Slawina, took over land and authority throughout Abodritenverband and "took revenge on his enemies " ( Helmold of Bosau 34).
