
The Turkic Krimtschaken ( krimtschak. Кърымчах / Qrımçah, Кърымчахлар / Qrımçahlar ) are one in the Crimea (Ukraine ) -based Turkish-speaking minority of the Jewish faith. They belong to the Talmudic direction of Judaism. Their language is almost extinct.

The assumption of a possible origin of the Krimtschaken of the Khazars of the Middle Ages is not shared by the majority of researchers. For the majority of Europeans of the Middle Ages Krimtschaken but were the successors of the " Krimskythen " ( Qrım = Crimea CAK = Sake / Scythian ).

According to a note from the war diary leader Walter Bussmann, the SD has " until early December 1941, the Krimtschaken, who number about 6,000, liquidated ... ".

An exact size of their head count is no longer necessary to ascertain: (1990 ) were counted again in 1000 Krimtschaken in the larger cities of Crimea In the census of Ukraine.

The Krimtschaken are not to be confused with the also Jewish and Turkic Karaim.
