Kujula Kadphises

Kujula Kadphises was a ruler of the kingdom of Kushan who ruled around 30-80 AD. It can be referred to as the actual founder of the Kushan empire.

Kujula Kadphises is known from various sources. Especially valuable are the Chinese records of Hou Hanshu. They have reported that the rulers managed to unite the tribes of the Yuezhi four and build an empire through conquest. He attacked the Parthians in ( which probably the Indo- Parthian Kingdom is meant ) and conquered the region around Kabul and the regions around Peshawar. They say he was 81 years old when he died. His successor was his son Vima Takto. Another son was Sadaskano, known from an inscription.

His coins usually bear Greek legends, some of them based on Roman models. Kujula Kadphises is the first ruler of the Kushan with the title King of Kings.
