
Kulning ( only in Sweden; Kauking in Norway and Härjedalen - Jämtland ) refers to the yodel or Joik related vocal technique that has been applied in Sweden and Norway, but also in Finland, on the mountain pastures for communication to summon the grazing animals, deter or to predators such as wolves and bears. The associated verb is kula or kauke or Caucasus. Since mostly women took care of the animals since the Middle Ages, the Kulning is predominantly done by women.

A Kulning consists of ornate melodies, traditional improvised either or with (former ) function of an informally agreed signal. With a very strong voice these many kilometers audible sounds are produced in a high pitch without vibrato. It is rather sung, since this is in contrast to cry easily falls and protects the vocal cords.

Earlier you saw the Kulning not as music, but only been necessary as a tool for keeping livestock. Still, she was also a popular means to converse in solitude or between distant pastures, and make it beautiful it was greatly appreciated. Today, it is increasingly present in the Swedish and Norwegian folk music and pop music. Competitions in Kuhlocken and courses for force extraction show that even today is not always just the musical aspect to the fore.
