
Kumys ( other spellings: Kumyss, Kumyss, Kumiss, Kumis or Kumiss kymyz from кумыс Russian, Turkish or Tatar, Kazakh Қымыз ) is fermented mare's milk.

In the Mongolian cuisine, the drink is Airag (Mongolian айраг ) called. It is there as a national drink. Similarly, the kefir.

Kumys or Airag is milky white and tastes sour, crisp, cool refreshing, with almond-like, bisweil cheesy aftertaste. The journalist Gerd Ruge describes the taste as " yoghurt with beer ." It is slightly alcoholic (1.2 to 2% alcohol) and is part of the everyday food of Asian steppe peoples. He is also considered nutrients in diseases such as Tuberculosis and anemia. In distillation, brandy ( Araca ). Due to its high vitamin and mineral content of the Kumys served the steppe peoples partly as a substitute for fresh fruit and vegetables. It can act as a mild laxative (even with regular use ).
