
The Kuon -ji (Japanese久远 寺) is a Buddhist temple on the mountain Minobu (身 延 山) in the city Minobu ( county Minamikoma ) in the Japanese prefecture of Yamanashi. He is the main temple of the Nichiren Shuu, the oldest dating back to the Buddhist reformer Nichiren schools of Nichiren Buddhism.

At the invitation of Nichiren trailer and basic administrator Nambu Sanenaga (南部 六郎 実 长) Nichiren came to the mountain Minobu and founded in June of 1274 with the aid of a hermitage. The first few months spent Nichiren here with only a small group of selected students. But at times 60 followers already in 1278 had gathered in the then small dwelling. On November 21, 1281 Nichiren left his quarters to far from there to found a temple, which he called Minobusan Kuon -ji.

In today's temple grounds is the tomb of Nichiren in which his will is held in accordance with his ashes.
