Kurgan (cattle)

The Kurgan beef (Russian Курганская transcribed Kurganskaja ) is a dual purpose cattle breed from Russia.

Breeding history

In the 19th century local cattle with Tagil cattle, Simmental, Yaroslavl cattle and some other breeds were in the Kurgan and Tyumen oblasts in the Ural Federal District in Russia crossed. 1901 these cattle and the local West Siberian Landrace crossed with Shorthorn cattle. 1922 began the well-planned breeding. 1935 state farm was established. First time in 1949 a herd book has been introduced.


  • Color red, red and white and reddish gray
  • Very balanced body
  • Medium size head
  • Neck well muscled, well- developed dewlap well separated
  • Chest deep and broad
  • Back and loin straight and wide
  • Hindquarters deep and full
  • Weight cows 520-550 kg bulls 800-900 kg
  • Good meat quality; daily gain of steers 800-900 g / day
  • Milk yield 3200-3700 kg and 3.8 to 3.9 % fat


Today Kurgan oblasts cattle in the Kurgan, Chelyabinsk, Omsk, Tyumen and Orenburg and in Bashkortostan are kept. In 1980 the total number was 322,000.


  • Http://www.fao.org/docrep/009/ah759e/AH759E08.htm
  • Breed of European cattle house