Kuroda clan

The Kuroda (Japanese黒 田氏, Kuroda -shi ) was a daimyo family, which descended from the Sasaki from Ōmi, which in turn abbleiteten from the Uda Genji. With an income of 520,000 koku of the resident in Fukuoka Kuroda was among the famous daimyo of the Edo period.


  • Mototaka (职 隆; 1524-1585 )
  • Yoshitaka (孝 高; 1546-1604 ). He was first called Kodera, 1583 baptized in the name of " Simeon ". In Portuguese sources, he is therefore known as " Simeon Condera ". On Toyotomi Hideyoshi pressure he had to leave his son Nagamasa the leadership of the Han. He then led the name " Yosui ".
  • Nagamasa (长 政; 1568-1623 ). He served Tokugawa Ieyasu and received Najima Chikuzen province and called it in to " Fukuoka ". He resigned from the church. Tadayuki (忠 之; 1602-1654 ) Mitsuyuki (光 之; 1628-1707 ) Tsunamasa (纲 政; 1659-1711 ) Nobumasa (宣 政; 1685-1744 ) (1)
  • Nagayoshi (长 好, 1703-1775 ) (2)
  • Nagashige (长 重; 1659-1710 ) Naganori (长 轨; 1686-1715 ) Nagasada (长 贞; 1524-1585 ) (3)

The side line (2) consisted of 1688 to 1721. With their extinction and their residence is gone. The side line (2) contented himself with a house festivals (阵 屋, Jinya ).
