
The Kusti is a belt, to wear the followers of the Zoroastrian religion in the undershirt, the sedre the hip. It is one of 72 filaments consisting of fine white lamb's wool cord, which is an indication of the 72 chapters of the Yasna, the central text of the Avesta, interpreted.

As part of the Padyab - Kusti, one repeatedly carried out daily short cleaning ritual, the believer is first in front of a light source, then solves the Kusti to then re-bind it under reciting several ritual texts, as indicated by two-time double knot at the belly and back takes place.

Wearing sedre and Kusti is the identifying feature of Zoroastrian believers. Accordingly, the Navjote ritual, ceremonial clothing with initial sedre and Kusti, the character of an initiation into the religious community.
