Küstrin Putsch

The Küstriner coup on October 1, 1923, named after the leader also Buchrucker Putsch, was a direct response to the termination of passive resistance against the occupation of the Ruhr on 26 September 1923 the German Reich government.

The principles laid down by Major Buchrucker associations of the Black Reichswehr wanted to overthrow the imperial government under Chancellor Gustav Stresemann and eliminate the parliamentary democratic republic with a national dictatorship. Another motive for the coup was arranged by the Reichswehr command and the resolution of the work associated loss of economic livelihood of many of their relatives.

The attempt to occupy the garrison town Kiistrin Buchrucker was prevented by units of the army, including were arrested and sentenced to imprisonment or imprisonment for treason. However, the mass of the rebels went unpunished.

In Berlin -Spandau controlled coup for a short time the Citadel and the Fort Hahneberg, only to lose the Reichswehr result.
