
KV45 Tomb of Userhet

KV45 ( Valley of the Kings, grave No. 45) was probably once the head of the Fields of Amun Userhet, who was a senior official of the 18th dynasty.

The grave was found on February 25, 1902 by Howard Carter. It consists only of a single small chamber, which can be reached via a 3 m long bay. According to Carter's information, the chamber was one-third filled with rubble. On the rubbish heap two mummies of the 22nd Dynasty 's respectively in a double coffin, and two wooden Uschebtikästen were. The already heavily decayed coffins were only recovered when re- cleaning of the tomb in the year 1991-92, at which excavation and the fragment of a canopic coffinettes was the name of the Userhet found. The ceramic case found by Donald P. Ryan dates it to the reign of Thutmose IV or in the first year of the reign of Amenhotep III .. in the re- excavation is also found human remains of two other people and numerous coarse crafted shabtis.
