
KV47 Tomb of Siptah

KV47 (King 's Valley Tomb no. 47, Valley of the Kings, grave number 47) is the grave of Siptah, the seventh ruler of the 19th Dynasty. The complex of the tomb was started in Siptah first regnal year, but remained unfinished.


The grave consists of a series of corridors that lead to the grave chamber of the pharaoh. The whole area is about 124 m long. After a staircase leads to the first section, the decoration shows the ruler before Re, but also the Litany. In the following section of the tomb we find again the Litany and various deities depicted. Here are scenes from the Imydwat. With exceptions, the decoration is rather poorly preserved. The next room is undecorated. The following is a hall with four pillars. From there, a transition to three undecorated transition sections, an undecorated chamber and the actual grave chamber, which also undecorated, that is unfinished. It has the pillars on one side. Here is the tomb of the ruler, and there were also bones, but apparently are more likely to later burials and not to Siptah, whose mummy was found in 1898 in KV35.
