La Faute de l'Abbé Mouret

The Sin of Father Mouret (French La Faute de l' Abbé Mouret ) is a 1875 published novel by Émile Zola. He is the 5th part of the Rougon - Macquart cycle. The action takes place in the fictional small provincial town Artaud. The focus is Serge Mouret, who is known to the reader already from The Conquest of Plassans. Though unusual for Zola's novels that only a few characters and places are described and that real-world observations and fantastic phenomena flow into each other.

The novel was filmed in 1970 by Georges Franju.


The neurotic young priest Serge Mouret took up a pastorate in the little town of Artaud. The inhabitants Artaud are religiously disinterested and hereditary damaged by incest. After a serious nervous disorder Serge loses his memory. The domain Le Paradou he is being cared for by Albina, daughter of the owner of the estate. His medical care takes over Doctor Pascal. The obviously in the family Mouret inherited nerve disease is explored by Doctor Pascal and discussed in several books of the cycle. In his last novel, Doctor Pascal takes over the lead role, and finally presented there, the result of his research. Serge comes slowly regained his strength. Together with Albina he roams the vast garden of Le Paradou, many precious and rare plants. First, it combines a childlike affection for Albina, from a gradually -sex love is. He promises Albina loyalty. Your month-long cohabitation has parallels to the biblical Fall. As Serge hears the bell of his church from a distance, his memory returns. He leaves the girl and takes his position as a priest again. Albina, who is expecting a child by him, looking for a debate with Serge, when he hides his religious obligations and any liability has of himself. When the attempt to regain him, has failed to Albina takes life by stuffing a room with highly fragrant plants and falls asleep in it. Serge celebrates the funeral Albines without showing an emotion of regret.
