La Ribambelle

The gang is a six-volume comic book series of the Belgian comic artist Jean Roba. Other contributors were Maurice Tillieux and Vicq ( scenarios ) and Jidéhem ( drawings).


The " gang " consists of Phil, Conny, the Scottish nobleman Archibald, jazz trumpeter Dixie and the Japanese twins Ping and Pong. They have their headquarters in a stainless bus on a undeveloped inner-city property, which is secured by several traps against unauthorized entry. Enemies of the gang are on the one hand the " caiman ", a three-member gang Halbstarker, on the other hand the unsympathetic millionaire Hasse Did greed.


The six volumes of the series are albums between 1988 and 1991 published by comic plus , but in a different order. In parts of the Caucasus adventures were published under the title The Six in the 1970s.
