La Verna

Alverna (also: La Verna ) is a rocky elevation on the slopes of Monte Penna ( 1289 m) in the central Apennines in the political community Chiusi della Verna (Tuscany), near Caprese, the birthplace of Michelangelo.


→ Main article: La Verna

On 8 May 1213, Count Orlando di Chiusi the Alverna to St. Francis. The mountain was Francis is a preferred place of prayer. On September 17, 1224 the Holy received his stigmata during a forty day fast. Even today, this event is celebrated as a special festival of the Franciscan family every year on September 17.

On October 3, 1259 St. Bonaventure pilgrimage to Alverna and then wrote his influential work Itinerarium mentis in Deum.


Alverna Great Church

Giotto di Bondone: Stigmata of St. Francis
