
The Labanotation ( the grammatically correct form Labannotation or Laban notation is unusual ) is a system for analyzing and recording human movement. The inventor was Rudolf von Laban (1879-1958), a central figure of European modern dance. He published this notation first in 1928 as Kinetographie. The script was developed by Ann Hutchinson Guest for Labanotation and by Albrecht Knust for Kinetographie Laban. The two systems are slightly different from each other.

With Labanotation any form of human movement can be recorded: The basis is the natural human movement, every change must be noted.


In Germany the Kinetographie Laban is traditionally taught at two universities:

  • As their own field of study in the MA - dance composition in FB 3 / dance at the Folkwang University Essen.
  • In the field of dance studies in the BA Dance and MA Dance Studies at the Center for Contemporary Dance in the College of Music and Dance Cologne.