Labor relations

An employment relationship is the legal and social relationship between employer and employee. It is in the labor law of the Federal Republic of Germany by a private law contract, which is called " employment ", which in turn is a special form of the employment contract. This is a continuing obligation, the paid has the power of dependent instructions bound activity the subject. The term of employment is to be distinguished from the socio-legal concept of employment.

Legal persons community relationship

Often there is talk of a " personal legal community relationship ", although this legal figure - whose substantive significance is limited anyway - is regarded as obsolete.

Regulation of labor relations

Working conditions are subject to numerous regulations that find their source in legislation, collective agreements and company agreements. This affects both the occurrence and the shape and especially the termination of an employment relationship. Are also important collective rules between workers and employers. This right of labor relations is summarized under the term of the labor law, which is to be divided into two major areas of individual labor law and collective labor law.

Types of employment relationship

A distinction must be normal working conditions which are different and atypical employment, such as part-time work, fixed-term contracts and temporary work, further forms of employment, which are not subject to labor law, such as the civil service, the employment of soldiers and the judge ratio and employment on the based on permanent employment contracts or pertinent defined royalty agreements.

In common parlance, there are also special forms of employment, for example, student job, temporary job, or house staff, but which find the rules of labor law application.

  • Human Resources
  • Labour