
Laeti, the plural form of laetus, was a term that was used in the late Roman Empire since the end of the 3rd century. The term referred to Germanic tribes who after her - were settled subjection to the Roman power in northern Gaul by the Romans primarily on state land, were in the legal status of servitude and had to perform military service for the Roman Empire - partly also voluntary.

The term laetus was first mentioned in 297, the last time the existence of Laeten for the year 465 is attested. The origin of the term laetus is uncertain, but it probably derives from the West Germanic word " Latan " (eg OHG Laz, mnl. Laet, afries. LET, aengl. Lǣt ) from, which means as much as " blank " shall have the meaning serf serf or half -free '. Other sources to see the origin of the term in the Latin, Celtic or even Persian.
