Lago Bianco

Two dams

The Lago Bianco is a reservoir on the Bernina pass between the Val Poschiavo and the uppermost valley of the Engadine, Val Bernina, Switzerland.

Previously there was the sea of two small natural lakes: the actual Lago Bianco, who owed his name to the milky discharge of Cambrenagletschers, and the subsequent south Lago della Scala. 1910-1911 were the two gravity dams Scala (south side) and Arla ( north side, consisting of three arches ) built so that a reservoir with a volume of 18.6 million m³ formed.

The outflow of the reservoir was initially in a natural way on the Acqua since Pila for water intake Puntalta the power plant Robbia. Since 1927, a pressure pipe leads the water to the power plant Palu. 1941-1942, the two built in rubble stone masonry dams were increased with concrete crowns around 4 m. Because the Lago Bianco is deepest in the northern part, one created in the lake, a third wall and a pumping station, so that location on the south wall water intake can also be supplied at low water level (usually April-May ). July to October, water is pumped up from the Palüsee in the Lago Bianco.

From 1999 to 2001, the renovated Raetia energy, Repower today, the two walls completely and they wrote new from seaward. The renovation of the two walls was carried out by the company IsoPermaproof from Thusis.

Technical data of the dams

