Lajos Kassák

Lajos Kassák ( born March 21, 1887 in Érsekújvár, today Nové Zámky, Slovakia, † July 22, 1967 in Budapest) was a Hungarian writer and painter.


After an apprenticeship he went on traveling, and came to Paris in 1907, where he remained until 1910. Here he met Guillaume Apollinaire, Cendrars, Robert Delaunay and Pablo Picasso. In 1912 he began expressionist poems, dramas and novels to write.

After his return to Budapest, he was with Emil Szittya out the Hungarian Avandgardezeitschrift "A Tett " ( The act ), which was soon banned because of anti-militarist tendencies. In the since 1916 he edited the magazine " MA " (Today) published Kurt Schwitters, Oskar Schlemmer, Tzara, El Lissitzky and Alexander Archipenko. He proclaimed the unity of technical civilization and art. For the group to "MA" László Moholy -Nagy, with whom he 1921, the " new artist book " published in exile in Vienna belonged. In 1921 he started with his own constructivist work. He published in 1922 his manifesto " image architecture" and placed in the Berlin gallery " Der Sturm".

In 1926 he returned to Hungary, from which he had fled after the defeat of the Hungarian Soviet Republic, founded with Schwitters and Jan Tschichold "Ring of new advertising designer " and became an editor of several avant-garde journals. When his literary works were banned in the 1950s, Kassák started to paint again. He continued his Dadaist embossed constructivist pieces and created large-format abstract and surrealistic collages.

In Budapest Castle Zichy Kassák work was devoted to a museum.


  • The horse dies and the birds fly out. Poem, from the Hungarian. by Robert Stauffer. Attached Work: Twenty poems from the Hungarian. Endre Gáspár. Afterword by Max Blaeulich, Klagenfurt: Wieser, 1989 ISBN 3-85129-015-1
  • Let us live in our time: poems, pictures and writings on art, Trolley and afterword by Jozsef Vadas. Übers by: Pál Acél ... adaptations of Anne Marie Bostroem, Budapest: Corvina, 1989 ISBN 963-13-2920-8
  • As a vagabond on the way: memories, Aus d Ungar. of Friderika Shag, Berlin: Verlag People & World 1979
  • M -A- Book: Poetry, Dt. with e Vorw v. Andreas Gaspar, Berlin: Verl d Storm 1923


  • 2011: Berlin Gallery