Lake Bästeträsk

Bäste träsk (also: Bästeträsk ) is a lake on the island of Gotland, which is one of Sweden. It lies in the north of the island, about 12 km west of Fårösund, and with an area of 6.52 km ², the largest lake on the island. It is connected by a 250 meter-long runoff to the Baltic Sea. The lake is known for its abundance of rainbow trout and sea trout. In winter, the lake usually freezes over and you can skate on it.

Nature Reserve

The area of the lake and approximately 8 square kilometers surrounding forest area is designated as a nature reserve and Natura 2000 site.


In the narrow strip of land between the sea and the lake there is a swimming area in the lake. In addition to the swimming area in a Tingstädeträsk one of the best ways to Gotland is to swim in inland waters.
