Lake Hillier


The Hillier Lake is a 600 -meter-long pink lake on the island middleware Iceland, the largest island of the archipelago research in the state of Western Australia at Esperance. This world natural wonders told by the Australians phenomenon can only be viewed from the air, since this island for nature protection reasons, as all the other 103 islands of this archipelago, not allowed to enter up to Woody Iceland.

The Lake Hillier has no inflow and is bordered by a narrow strip of land from the ocean. The strip of land consists of a sand dune, which is covered with vegetation. The lake was first discovered by the British explorer Matthew Flinders on his expedition in 1802, when he ascended on this island a 185 -meter-high mountain to get an overview over the archipelago. He named this island after climbing Middle Isle; the mountain was named after him Flinders Peak. He assumed that Middle Isle is the center of the archipelago. He announced after the ascension, that he had discovered a pink lake on this island.

The reason for the unique colors of the lake has been investigated and ultimately not released. However, it assumes that the nutrient concentration of various organic and inorganic substances and various bacteria and algae are the cause of this unique pink coloration in the lake. The color of the water is not changed even if it is removed and placed in a vessel.

Unique in Lake Hillier, that it shows the pink color permanently, while there are some other salt lakes which exhibit this rare water staining only under certain weather conditions and light conditions.
