Lake Sartai

Lake with the longest shoreline of Lithuania

The Sartai Lake is located in northeastern Lithuania within the Rajongemeinden Rokiškis and Zarasai. With a maximum length of 14.8 km and a width of 8.7 km, it has with about 79 km above the longest shoreline of a Lithuanian lake. Important tributary and only outlet is the šventoji (literally: The Holy ), which opens in the extreme south at Dusetos in the Sartai and leaves him in a southwestern side arm again.

Sartai race

The Glazialsee situated at an altitude of 99 m above sea level in a directory named after him Regional Park and was a long time for the tasks performed on the frozen water surface during the cold season horse race known, whose history dates back to the 19th century and held regularly since 1905 were.

For security reasons, will find this race since 1933 takes on an elliptical, hippodromähnlichen Racecourse on the lake shore opposite Dusetos. The end of January / beginning of February, organized annually trotting races for decades culmination of a winter folk festival with over 50,000 visitors at the southern Sartaiufer.


Trotting races in 2011

Sartaiufer at Bobriškiu, Rokiškis, along the northwest arm of the lake

The lake in the evening
