Lala Kara Mustafa Pasha

Lala Kara Mustafa Pasha Lala Mustafa Pasha or even (* 1500, † August 7, 1580 ) was an Ottoman general and, though only for a short time, the Grand Vizier. His honorary title of " Lala " means " Tutor of the Sultan "; he had long been a personal tutor of the sons of Sultan Selim II.

Lala Mustafa had risen to Beylerbey of Damascus and then become fifth Vizier before he commanded the Ottoman land forces in 1565 during the siege of Malta, and then the Ottoman land forces, which until then Venetian Cyprus conquered 1570-71.

From April 28 to August 7, 1580 he was briefly Grand Vizier of the Empire (see list of grand viziers of the Ottoman Empire ). Mustafa was known for his cruelty to defeated opponents, such as his treatment of Marcantonio Bragadin, the Venetian defenders of Famagusta, vividly demonstrated.

The Lala Mustafa Pasha Mosque was named after him.
