Lambton County

Lambton County is a county in the southwest of the Canadian province of Ontario. The county seat is in the town of Plympton - Wyoming Wyoming. The population is 126 199 (2011), the area of ​​3002.70 km ², which corresponds to a population density of 42.0 inhabitants per km ². The county is bordered by Lake Huron in the north, the St. Clair River to the west and Lake St. Clair in the southwest.


In Lambton County municipalities are following:

  • Brooke- Alvinston
  • Dawn - Euphemia
  • Enniskillen
  • Lambton Shores
  • Oil Springs
  • Petrolia
  • Plympton - Wyoming
  • Point Edward
  • Sarnia
  • St. Clair
  • Warwick

Administratively independent is the reserve of the Chippewas of Kettle Point 44 Kettle and Stony Point First Nation of Chippewa and Potawatomi.
