Lamentabili Sane Exitu

The decree Lamentabili sane exitu of the Holy Office dated 3 July, 1907, often referred to as short Lamentabili, rejects 65 misconceptions regarding the relationship between exegesis and teaching, inspiration and inerrancy of the Bible, dogma understanding of Christology, sacraments and church planting. The decree was also known as Little syllabus or syllabus of Pius X., based on the collection of Syllabus Errorum with 80 modern errors, published by Pope Pius IX. in 1864.

This decree is to be seen in the context of measures against the so-called modernism in the Catholic Church, in particular together with the encyclical Pascendi Pope Pius X in 1907 and the Anti-Modernist Oath of 1910., The term modernism comes in the decree not yet available, however. It is directed mainly against the French exegetes Alfred Loisy.

Examples of condemned heresies:

  • 2: The Church- interpretation of the sacred books is not to be despised, but it is subject to more detailed assessment and correction on the part of exegetes.
  • 4: The Magisterium of the Church can the real meaning of Scripture itself also can not be determined by dogmatic decisions.
  • 35: Christ did not always have the consciousness of his Messianic dignity.
  • 64: Scientific progress demands that the view of the Christian doctrine of God, of creation, of the revelation of the Person of the Incarnate Word, and of salvation, to be reformed.