
Lampredotto is a culinary specialty from the Tuscan city of Florence. The court is related to the tripe (Italian tripe ), but does not exist as they race from rumen, reticulum and omasum, but from the darker and more delicate abomasum of cattle.

The culinary use of this Innards limited in Italy almost exclusively to the city of Florence. The abomasum is cooked in a broth with tomatoes, onions and parsley. Then it is either done in the way of Bollito misto, or eaten in typical Florentine type as a snack. This is in Florence traditionally used by Kuttelverkäufern ( trippai ), offered alongside the main dish of tripe Florentine Art. The Lampredotto is cut small and round bun ( Panino ) filled. As a spice, you can usually choose between green herb sauce or hot sauce. A good companion is a young Chianti wine glass.

In Florence city center there are about 10 trippai today.

  • Meat dish
  • Italian Food