Lampropeltis pyromelana

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Lampropeltis pyromelana knoblochi

The Mountain King Snake ( Lampropeltis pyromelana ) is one of the smallest members of the genus, the king snakes. For years, this prettily marked snake is bred for the terrarium trade; However, to enjoy especially the larger representatives of the king snakes increasing popularity. In their homeland, the crisscrossed by scrubland and lightly wooded mountain regions of North America, Lampropeltis pyromelana can be sighted at altitudes up to 2500 meters.

Besides the nominate Lppyromelana there are further, color subtly different forms.

  • Lpknoblochi can be found in the extreme southern United States and northern Mexico.
  • Lpwoodini also lives in Northern Mexico and parts of Arizona.
  • Lpinfralabialis inhabited vast areas of the Grand Canyon in Nevada, and the northern Arizona.

The nominate Lppyromelana can be found in New Mexico and northern Mexico.

For the terrarium very well suited the mountain kingsnake is a grateful nursling that can survive over 15 years in captivity, with proper posture.

Pictures of Lampropeltis pyromelana
