Lancelot Andrewes

Lancelot Andrewes (* July 16, 1555 in London, † September 25, 1626 ) was an English scholar, theologian and preacher.


Andrewes came from a respected family in the county of Suffolk. His father, Thomas Andrewes, was master of the Trinity House. 1571-1578 He studied theology at Cambridge University and a doctorate of Arts Magister.

Andrewes attracted the attention of Queen Elizabeth I by his sermons, but only attained under King James I to influence. Successively he was Bishop of Chichester (1605-1609), Ely (1609-1619) and Winchester ( 1618-1626 ). Andrewes attended the " Hampton Court conference" part. The preparation of important sections of the English translation of the Bible ( King James Bible, 1611) was transferred to him, and with Cardinal Robert Bellarmine ( 1542-1621 ), he led a written discussion of the royal power. Despite his opposition to the Roman Catholic Church he opposed the Calvinist interpretations of the Puritans and influenced the design shall be justified Anglican doctrines and rites.


In the Anglican Church each September 25 Lancelot Andrewes regarded as Remembrance Day.
