Lander (spacecraft)

Lander is the general name of a spacecraft that lands on a celestial body such as a planet or moon to operate there research. The landing on a celestial body is considered the most technically difficult concept of a space probe, the subsequent return with samples of its surface represents a further increase in the level of difficulty. A different concept of each spacecraft tracked the one hand, the orbiter that orbits a celestial body, and on the other hand, the flyby probe.


A distinction is made between hard and soft landing landing. The hard landing no precautions are taken to protect the lander before impact ( was in the early years of space travel practiced ) or the lander is designed so that it can withstand the impact without prejudice when it penetrates the soil (see this penetrators ).

With a landing " soft" on the other hand to take appropriate measures to fit down the lander so gently on the surface of the celestial body that the lander while remaining fully functional. A "soft" landing can, however, as measured by the usual standards for a person to be very rudely, such as when a lander touches down at 30 km / h Speed ​​on Venus, only slowed by the dense atmosphere ( without a parachute ).

  • Moon ( Lunik, Ranger, Luna, Surveyor, Chang'e -3),
  • Mars (Mars, Viking, Mars Pathfinder, Spirit, Opportunity, Beagle 2, Phoenix, Curiosity ), the
  • Venus (some Venera probes, Pioneer Venus, Vega ) and the
  • Saturn 's moon Titan ( Huygens ) are used.

Started, but not yet at its destination, the comet Churyumov- Gerasimenko, the Philae lander is the Rosetta spacecraft. In the next few years are more Lander to Mars ( ExoMars, etc. ) is planned. In the long term we think about Lander for Europe and titanium and durable Lander for Venus for the years after 2015.
