Landgraben (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern)

Peene- south canal, Landgraben, Small Country Big Country ditch and ditch

The Landgraben is a 33 km (by subsequent western Great Country ditch along 44 km) long body of water in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. He runs his water westward to Tollense and eastward into the Zarow. The Pseudobifurkation located at Bresewitz, a district of Friedland.

It takes its name as the former northern boundary of the eastern part of Mecklenburg -Strelitz.

It lies in a northwest to the mouth of Recknitz continuing glacial valley, the Mecklenburgisch - Vorpommern Grenztal. The apex of the country trench is about 9.5 m above sea level. Approximately 10 river kilometers north- west of it flows near the castle Klempenow from the south about 7 m above sea level the small Landgraben one, also a body of water with two flow directions. From here to the mouth of the Tollense the Landgraben continues from the Grand Landgraben. Because of the extra width of the glacial valley there are some sections of the same waters, of which the central trench ( also " New divide" ) in the range between Datzemündung, which is located about a mile east of the apex portion, and Small Landgraben is more important than the country ditch itself.

Only 1 km east of the Datzemündung at Weir Kavelpass Peene- south canal is introduced, which is fed by a pumping station on the lower Peene. Further east flowed the Landgraben earlier by the Putzarer Lake, 7.2 m above sea level. Nowadays it is passed around it. In addition, there is still the lazy ditch. East of it leads the country digging through the north of the Friedlander Great Meadow. The water balance of this meliorisierten fen is regulated with its help. In Ferdinandshof on the eastern edge of the Friedlander Great Meadow, the Landgraben combined with the Floßgraben to Zarow.


  • Topographic Map 1:100 000 C 2346 Anklam ( Landesvermessungsamt Mecklenburg- Vorpommern)