Landing operation

(Also called landing, landing operations or amphibious ) A landing is a military tactic of a very large body of water (usually a sea ) to get to a coast or along a river bank in enemy territory. The objective is to take hostile country by the infantry. Intention of landing is the formation of a bridgehead for MOVED own or allied units, the fuse of the terrain, the Enlightenment, as well as the further advance on foot or by small vehicles.

It is usually carried out by units of the Royal Marines as part of amphibious warfare. On landing, the soldiers of vessels are laid near or directly to the coast.

They used landing craft and air cushion vehicles often when landed directly. Furthermore, landed heavy equipment with special ships, such as tank landing ships and amphibious assault ships, especially after the backup of the lines. In general, heavy equipment is tracked but for the sake of harm reduction until after the site security.

One of the largest landings of the story took place in June 1944 as part of Operation Overlord in Normandy instead ( the first day of the landing was called by the Allied D -Day).
