
Landsort is the name of the southern tip and the main settlement on the Swedish archipelago island Öja.

Traditionally, most islanders were employed as guides for merchant shipping in the waters off Nynäshamn and Stockholm. Despite the small population, there are Landsort in various combinations. The country location föreningar take care of good neighborhood, also the tenant / Eigentümmervereinigung country local Arrendatorförening and the country local Sjo -och MiljöCentrum exists ( sea and Environment Centre ).

Is located at the southern tip country local fyr ( lighthouse Landsort ), the oldest lighthouse still used in Sweden. He was commissioned by the Dutch merchant Johan van der Hagen in 1658 commissioned and built. After the Beacon is a ship class of the Swedish navy is named.

The Swedish Sea Rescue Sjöräddningssällskapet SSRS has always stationed at least one boat in the port of Landsort.

In Bredmar, just north of Landsort, country town there is fågelstation ( the Ornithological Landsort ). The bird ringing began in the 1970s on the island, the association which runs the station today, but was not founded until 1988. Especially in migration periods beringen Volunteer birds with rings of Naturhistoriska riksmuseet in Stockholm.
