Landtag of Rhineland-Palatinate

  • SPD 42
  • Green 18
  • CDU 41

The Landtag of Rhineland- Palatinate state parliament of the German state of Rhineland- Palatinate.

  • 4.1 suffrage
  • 4.2 Composition
  • 4.3 Parliament President

Legitimacy and tasks

According to Article 79, Section 1 of the state constitution, the parliament " elected by the people, the supreme body of the political process ". "He represents the people, elects the prime minister and confirmed by the state government decides the laws and the state budget, controls the executive power and is involved in the decision-making of the country in the management of public affairs, in matters of European policy and in accordance with agreements between parliament and state government. "


Since 1951, the Rhineland-Palatinate state parliament meets in the German House in Mainz. In 1999, the so-called House of Representatives was established that combines the offices of MPs and the party offices. Part of the building is used by the state government. The two complexes are separated by a construction joint, which symbolizes the separation of powers between the legislative and executive branches.


Since establishment of the state of Rhineland -Palatinate certain in the founding Regulation city of Mainz did not have sufficient administrative building for war damage and destruction, the inaugural meeting of the Consultative National Conference was held on November 22, 1946 held in Koblenz theater in which a constitution was drafted. On May 18, 1947, the Constitution of Rhineland-Palatinate was approved in a referendum by 53 percent of the electorate. The inaugural session of the first Rhineland-Palatinate state parliament took place on June 4, 1947 in the great council chamber of Koblenz. Koblenz was so administrative seat of government of the country. On 16 May 1950, the parliament decided the German House in Mainz rebuild and embarrassed state government and parliament in Mainz.


The choice of the 101 parliament members takes place every five years and is universal, free, secret, equal and directly. The selection is performed according to the principles of a connected with a persons choice of proportional representation. Are entitled to vote all Germans who have reached the age of 18 and for at least three months residing in Rhineland- Palatinate.

Each voter has two votes. The first voice, the constituency vote, the election of a deputy in one of the 51 constituencies used. To be elected, who can combine the simple majority support. Since the five-percent clause does not come into play at the constituency candidates, and individual candidates in the state legislature can be selected.

With the second vote, the country's voice, a state or county list is selected. It decides on the composition of the Landtag. Any party who has received more than five percent of the vote, gets after the Sainte- Laguë method as many seats as it would be entitled in the proportion of second votes. The number of constituency seats will be deducted and the remaining places have been filled with the list of candidates. Overhang seats are offset by compensatory seats, which can lead to an enlargement of the Diet.

The elections to the 16th Parliament 27 March 2011 had the following result:

The new Parliament was constituted on 18 May 2011.

→ List of Members of the Rhineland- Palatinate Landtag (16th Term)


After it had previously been a proposal from the cities and counties ordered by the French occupying power Consultative State Assembly, came together in 1947 for the first time, a freely elected parliament.


From 1947 to 1987 proportional elections were conducted, in which each voter had one vote. Since 1991 there is a personalized proportional system with two votes, one for the constituency candidate and one for the state or county list.

At the first election in 1947, there was no threshold. Since 1951, the parties have nationwide reach five percent to get into the parliament.

The first parliament was designed for 100 members of parliament. Through the reincorporation of 61 municipalities of Rhineland-Palatinate in the circles Saar castle and Trier -Land came in 1947 at a by-election and the number of deputies increased to 101 from 1951 to 1987, there were then 100 members of parliament. Since 1991, the parliament has 101 members.

The right to vote was 1947 to 1967 at 21 years, until it was fixed in 1971 at 18 years.

The passive right to vote was 1947 to 1967 at 25 years before it was lowered in 1971 to 21 years. Since 1979, the limit is 18 years.

The allocation of seats was calculated from 1947 to 1971 after the election key method. It was declared in 1972 by the Federal Constitutional Court to be unconstitutional, then the distribution of seats the election of 1971 had to be corrected later. From 1975 to 1987, the D' Hondt method was valid. For the elections from 1991 to 2006 was the Hare- Niemeyer method. Since 2011, the Sainte- Laguë method is applied.

The legislative periods lasted from 1947 to 1987 four years. Since 1991, every five years is chosen.


The composition of the diets was previously as follows:

→ state elections in Rhineland -Palatinate

Parliament President

Previous parliamentary presidents were:
