Language disorder

A language disorder or a speech impediment is a disorder of mental production of language. Language structure and language skills are impaired. In contrast, the motor production of sounds is primarily concerned with the speech disorder. Speech and language disorder may also occur together.


We have to distinguish the following types of language disorders:

  • Language Impairment
  • Speech degradation and loss syndromes such as aphasia, dysphasia, Landau - Kleffner syndrome, language breakdown in dementia, even at Heller 's dementia
  • Disorders of written language: dyslexia and dysgraphia
  • Disorders of language comprehension (also: lack of acoustic perception, word deafness), for example, the Receptive Language Disorder

The speech errors and speech disorders are classified as follows according to Kainz, Jussen and Heese.

Complete absence of language development

This is the most serious speech disorder at all. Deaf-mutism ( Surdomutitas ) can be a result of congenital or acquired deafness, " brain damage " and autism (especially when Kanner - type) can also lead to dumbness.

Inhibited language development

Under with grammar is defined as the inability to form sentences according to the rules of grammar properly. Morphological errors of the word diffraction (eg, a beautiful girl ) and syntactic errors of word order in the sentence (eg, I 'm going home soon ) are signs of a speech disorder dysgrammatischen.

As a general mental and physical developmental delay (eg, mental retardation ) may be delayed in the child and language development. The causes are birth trauma, damage in the pre-, peri -and postnatal stages and damage to psychological nature ( environment defects, hospitalism, Deprivationssyndrom ). Even with autism (especially when Kanner - type) There are partial to a delay or even failure of language development.


From loss of speech or aphasia then the speech, if the ability to use or understand language, originally present and then went completely or partially lost by a neurological event; this language loss is actually a misnomer, because the language itself is purchased but no longer applicable in full measure ( all or individual modalities and linguistic levels can be affected). This can be done by circulatory disturbances in the brain, tumors, inflammation of the brain or brain trauma.

With the loss of speech go under certain circumstances, impairment or failure (for example ) the ability to read (dyslexia or alexia ), writing ability ( dysgraphia or agraphia ), numeracy ( dyscalculia or acalculia ) and / or the conscious control of movements ( dyspraxia or apraxia ) associated.

There are four forms of aphasia ( so -called standard Syndrome):

  • Broca 's aphasia: Despite largely functioning language understanding speech production is disturbed. Telegraphic style as a distinctive mark ( agrammatism ).
  • Wernicke 's aphasia: Here is disturbed speech understanding with largely preserved speech production ability. Creation of Theorem entanglements, neologisms, endless and meaningless speeches ( logorrhoea ), as well as the absence of disturbance consciousness.
  • Amnestic aphasia: The word finding is disturbed ( word finding difficulties - WFS), speech production ability and speech understanding are present.
  • Global Aphasia: This refers to language comprehension and language production equally comprehensive, far -reaching disorder.

In addition to these, the shapes of non-standard or syndromes can be distinguished:

  • Conduction aphasia
  • Transcortical aphasia ( motor aphasia and Transkortikal - Transkortikal - sensory aphasia)
  • Not classifiable aphasia
  • Residual aphasia

With a high percentage of people with aphasia, the disease is associated with a Einseitenlähmung ( hemiparesis ).

Related Topics

  • Language
  • Language development
  • Language delay
  • Speaking
  • Speech errors, stammering, stuttering, lisping
  • Communication fault