Languages of Sudan

This article contains a list of all known languages ​​in Sudan and South Sudan, in addition to the official languages ​​of Arabic ( Sudan ) and English ( Sudan and South Sudan ), transport Sundanese languages ​​are Arabic and Juba Arabic, two dialects of Arabic. Attached is still listed by number of speakers of the languages ​​table.

Genealogical list

The list shows the relationships between the individual languages ​​in Sudan and South Sudan. A "† " no longer characterizes today spoken languages ​​, so-called dead languages.

Nilo -Saharan African languages

  • Komuz languages Gule †, Gumuz, Komo, Opuuo, Uduk
  • Masalit
  • Nilotic languages Acholi, Anyua, Bari, Belanda boron, Burun, Dinka ( Northeastern Dinka, Dinka Northwest, Southwest Dinka, South Central Dinka, Southeastern Dinka ), Dongotono, JumJum, Kakwa, Lango, Lokoya, Lopit, Luwo, Mabaan, mandarins, Nuer, Otuho, Päri, Reel, Shilluk, Thuri, Toposa
  • Nubian languages Birked †, Dair, Dilling, El Hugeirat, Ghulfan, Kadaru, Karko, Kenuzi Dongola, Midob, Nobiin, Wali
  • Aka, Gaam, Kelo, Molo
  • Didinga, Kacipo - Balesi, Murle, Narim, Suri, Tennet
  • East -Saharan African languages † Berti, Zaghawa
  • Central Kanuri
  • East Zentralsudanische languages Avokaya, Keliko, Ma'di, Moru, Olu'bo
  • Aja, Baka, Beli, Bongo, Gbaya, Gula, Jur Modo, Mittu †, Mo'da, Morokodo, Nyamusa - Molo, Sinyar, Yulu


Afro-Asiatic languages

  • Cushitic languages Nordkuschitische languages Bedscha
  • Hausa

Niger - Congo languages

  • Atlantic languages Adamawa Fulfulde -
  • Volta - Congo languages Azande, Bai, Middle Südbanda, Togbo - Vara Banda, Central West Banda, Banda Banda, Banda - Mbrès, Banda Ndélé, Belanda Viri, Boguru, Feroge, Homa †, Indri, Mangayat, Mündü, Ndogo, Togoyo †
  • Heiban Heiban / Ebang, Ko, Koalib, Laro, LogoL, Moro, Otoro, Schwaiger, Tira, Warnang
  • Acheron, Dagik Lafofa, Lumun, Nding †, Ngile, Totscho, Torona †

Indo-European languages

  • Indo-Iranian languages domari
  • English

Creole languages

  • Arabic -based creole languages Juba Arabic
  • Nubi

List by number of speakers

The following list of languages ​​is sorted in descending order according to the number of speakers in Sudan and South Sudan (total population 2006: 41,236,400 ). Because the census years differ from each other by decades, the figures can not be easily compared.

Official languages ​​in Sudan

The Constitution of the Republic of Sudan governs in § 8 to the position of the languages:

( 1) All indigenous languages ​​of Sudan are national languages ​​and shall be respected, developed and promoted.

( 2) Arabic is a widely spoken language in Sudan.

( 3) Arabic as a primary language at the country level and English shall be the official working languages ​​of the national government and the languages ​​of instruction in higher education.

(4 ) In addition to Arabic and English, the legislation of each sub-national levels of government recognize any other national language as an additional official working language at this level.

( 5) The use of Arabic or English should be restricted to any level of government or educational level.
